Mevlevi Dervish Order
in Turkey

Painting of a Mukabele ritual before 1925, in the foreground the musicians, opposite the sheikh and the dance teacher, on the left the sarcophagi of the sheikhs of the order.

Dervishes in Turkey before 1925
Sheikh Münir Çelebi
(photographed in 1969)
Sheikh Münir Çelebi –
to whom the Semahane in the ‚Klangraum 21‘ at Ebertsheim (Germany) is dedicated – permitted by virtue of his ancestral connection, that the Mevlevi tradition be passed on to interested persons.
On request, he therefore sent Resûhî Baykara, a close friend and student to London in 1963.
According to the philosophy of Rumi, anyone, men and women alike, may be taught the turning meditation and benefit from the ethical values of this tradition, whatever their background.
Maria-Gabriele Wosien
The Mukabele – (All the invisible kingdoms)
“It is like this,” he said:
“When you turn you do not turn for yourself, but for God.
When we turn around in that way, we do so that the Light of God may descend upon the earth.
As you act as a channel in the turn, the light comes through the right hand, and the left hand brings it into the world.
It is what you in the West call ‘alchemy’, for if you concentrate correctly in your prayer to God then you make the necessary sacrifice of yourself.
In this way light which contains within itself perfect order, is able to come through onto the earth.
We turn for God and the world, and it is the most beautiful thing you can imagine.
If you are quiet and in a state of prayer when you turn, offering everything of yourself to God,
then, when your body is spinning, there is a completely still point in the centre.
In the knowledge that there is only Him, you can experience the universe round that still point.
The Heavens respond and all the invisible kingdoms join in the dance…”
(Sheikh Resûhî Baykara, mid-1960’s)

Mukabele at the opening of the semahane on 15 July 2019 (painting by Burkhart Braunbehrens)
On July 15th 2019 the Mevlevi-Semahane Ebertsheim was dedicated to this work in the presence of Sheikh Dino Alloni of the Mevlevîhâne Rosa de Nazaré (Brazil) and Maria-Gabriele Wosien.
A Mukabele (turning ritual) was celebrated in the presence of an international gathering of friends, interested in the tradition from Brazil, Schottland, Russia and Germany.
The Turkish Musicgroup ‚Hosh Neva‘ from Mannheim and the vocalist Bora Uymaz from Izmir made their unique contribution by playing live for this special event.
Dedicated to the sacred memory of Sheikh Münir Çelebi, the ‚Klangraum 21‘ is now a place where heaven and earth may meet. Through continued practice of the turning meditation this memory will be honoured and experience deepened.
„Whoever you may be – just come.
Be you heathen, non-believer, fire-worshipper – come:
Our path is not the path of desperation
and though a thousand times you broke
your oath of penitence, even so still come.„
Dschalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī
Dschalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī (1207 – 1273):
„Be like melting snow:
Wash yourself from yourself.
Let yourself be led in silence
by what you really love.
It is the spirit,
that moves and raises the body.
The spirit evokes joy.
If you put a bird in the cage,
it sings with longing.
It is the same with the human soul:
Let us listen to the sound of creation,
then our body moves with longing:
The soul belongs to the light of its creator
and wants to ascend again
to her origin.“